The late nights and constant indecisiveness has finally manifested itself into some reading journals and I'm so so excited to share them with you!
I've posted videos on Instagram and Tiktok showing you all the pages each journal includes, scroll to the end of the blog to see a list of all the contents!
Let's look at the 7 different covers available...
Available (UK) with single review pages (£7.99) or double review pages (£9.99).
Your country not included? Message me for options!

Available (UK) with single review pages (£7.99) or double review pages (£9.99).
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Available (UK) with single review pages (£7.99) or double review pages (£9.99).
Your country not included? Message me for options!
(If you're reading this on your phone, sorry I can't figure how to remove these awkward long spaces lollll)

Available (UK) with single review pages (£7.99) or double review pages (£9.99).
Your country not included? Message me for options!

Available (UK) with single review pages (£7.99) or double review pages (£9.99).
Your country not included? Message me for options!

Available (UK) with single review pages (£7.99) or double review pages (£9.99).
Your country not included? Message me for options!

Available (UK) with single review pages (£7.99) or double review pages (£9.99).
Your country not included? Message me for options!
All the journals include 100 review pages, but that's certainly only a small part of the reading journal pages. Each reading journal includes:
2021 reading wrap up
2022 goals
22 books to read in 2022 tracker
TBR (books to read) tracker - with space to tick when read and rating/date read
Individual tracker pages; series to read, pre-orders, book club/readalongs, ARCs, recommended books
Reading challenge (12 prompts)
Year in pixels - track the number of pages you've read every day
100 book tracker
A to Z challenge
Book buying tracker
2022 stats pages - rating, genre, year published, pages, new/previously read author, format (e.g. audiobook, ebook, paperback, hardcover), colour spine, re-reads
Books read bookshelves
100 review pages (either available as single or double pages) - scroll to the end of this blog post to see what the review pages contact
Individual favourites pages - characters, chapters, quotes
Monthly wrap ups (left for you to fill in what month you're wrapping up incase you don't read one month/want to combine months etc.)
2022 wrap up pages
2023 goals
Double review pages:
Extra space to write your favourite quotes and notes from every book you read; as well as space to plan your reviews for social media.

Singe review pages:
